Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Professionalism and Copyright

In accordance with Nebo School District policy, in regards to the use of technology in the classroom, my goal is to instruct students “in appropriate online behavior, including online safety, interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and regarding cyber-bullying awareness and response.” This means that we will be using cell phones and lab computers during class in an effort to prepare students for real-world technological use. Faculty and students will be held to the standards regarding professionalism and technology use outlined in section 5 of the Nebo School District policy. All use of technology in the classroom will be supervised and is intended to supplement learning objectives and will not be used in a casual or recreational manner.

Something to think about or a question with professionalism/copyright and fair use: What constitutes a professional site (where materials have been paid for or correctly distributed) that we can use or pull from?

To do list (things you need to do in preparation for teaching, in regards to professionalism or copyright):
1. Think of other creative ways to use the media I want to use (Humans of New York--use the formatting or idea to create or find your own stories instead of using theirs directly).

2. Continue being aware of what I post on social media, especially as I get into student teaching and teaching.

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